Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Week 8 Growth Mindset

Even though I know about growth/fixed minset and have made the decision to follow the growth mindset, I still have problems with thinking I am predisposed to not being able to do certain things.  I don’t really face it during school, at least not yet, but I do face it during my job.  I am a sales associate and one of our jobs is to essentially fill a customer’s room with clothes that I think they will like.  This includes pants, shirts, foundations, and jewelry.  We’re supposed to do this regardless of what the customer came in looking for and I find it incredibly difficult to do.  I know I’ve said that I’m not that kind of person before, but I am trying very hard to learn to be.  Unfortunately, I do have a bit of a mental block when it comes to learning it, so it’s taking some serious time and effort.

Growth mindset is one of those things that you need to constantly keep at the forefront of your mind, which is extremely difficult. I managed to do it once before when I was swimming, but it took a lot of mental effort and a ton of practice.  I know I can do it, but I need to set my mind to it. I’m trying to use this class to figure out what I want to do with my life and where I want it to go.  It’s allowing me to explore some of my artistic talents, like writing, which I left behind a long time ago.  It’s not something that I necessarily want to turn into a career, but it may be something that I keep going to help me relax and get out some creative juices. 

Motivational Poster. Source: Wikipedia


  1. Hey Michaela! I think your jobs sounds like a lot of fun, but I can see where it would be difficult. It can be pretty hard to read people sometimes. I didn't even know jobs like that existed, honestly it reminds me of Rachel from Friends. I have to say I am curious, where is it that you work? Anyway, I think it will take time for all of us to perfect the growth mindset. So don't worry! We are in this together!

    1. I work at the White House Black Market in Brookhaven/Norman!

  2. I like that you bring up the point that growth mindset is something that you have to constantly work on. I think that is something that people have a hard time remembering because we are such an instant gratification type of society. Growth mindset changes the way we think into something more positive, but changing how a person thinks is the same as trying to break any habit. It takes a lot of work an dedication. Thanks for the very insightful post!

  3. I believe that it is the belief that we cannot do something that stops us from even attempting it in the first place. I too hope to follow the growth mindset in order to further myself in what I am able to do. On the other hand, I am quite interested in your job! I absolutely love fashion, but I can definitely see how hard it can be to try and create something that everyone will like since we’ll most likely create what we think we’ll like. I hope that over time it will become easier for you at your job.

  4. I agree with Linh. It is important to have the confidence and belief that you are able to do something rather than to believe that you are incapable. It changes the entire concept of what you are doing and help you have a better chance of doing a really good job!
